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Ivan the terrible

Ivan the terrible

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Entries From Each Ruler During the Age of Absolutism

Ivan III-
I am trying to gather the land surrounding Moscow. I am extremely pleased that we have conquered Novgorod which is a large, rich republic. The other princes and I have defeated all of our enemies in order to obtain complete control. It has come to my attention that the Khan was previously regarded as supreme ruler however I now consider myself the supreme ruler, or the Khan, as it has been put. I want to have complete control of the country, I was to have absolute power.

Ivan IV-
Although I am known as Ivan the Terrible I really don't believe I am a bad guy. My mother died when I was little and I was neglected for a long time, people should understand where I am coming from. However I later met my beautiful wife, Anastasia who stood by my side while I fought for complete power. I forced everyone to listen to me, and only me. Although it may seem like I am a hard and unfair ruler, it is justified for I lost my dearest Anastasia and now everyone will pay. My systems of discipline may seem unorthodox but I do own the land and all of my country's trade and industry.

Michael Romanov-
I became tsar at 16 and have been threatened ever since. My election brought back the true tsarist aristocracy. My reign was not long however and lasted up until Alexis took over for me.

Peter the Great-
I am determined to continue territorial expansion. We have gained land from Poland and were able to conquest Siberia. I have not known peace, my reign has been controlled by fighting however it has been successful. When I took control, my army was not professional or well put together. I had been wanting to fight against the Turkish forts and later ended up conquering Azor. I have been making alliances such as the ones with Denmark that have propelled into wars but it has been said that my smart military tactics have made me known as "a military genius".

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